Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Water donated to village in Natmauk
Villager collecting water distributed by the DRD and RTD.—Photo: Hla Win (Natmauk)

TO aid local people suffering from water scarcity issues due to the rising heat that accompanies El Niño, the Department of Rural Development (DRD) of Natmaunk Township together with the Road Transportation Department (RTD)donated yesterday 2,000 gallons of water for drinking, bathing and washing to the local villagers of Oakshitkon village, which has been facing a severe shortage of clean water.
There is currently a 2” tube well and handmade wells installed next to the local stream of the village as well as a nearby lake. These groundwater sources are currently drying up due to the extreme climate.—Hla Win (Natmauk)

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