Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Myanmar Police Force donates water to water-scarce communities

Police officers distribute clean water.—Photo: MPF
THE Myanmar Police Force is helping to provide clean water to the people facing water shortages due to high temperatures brought on by El Niño.
Members of Traffic Police Force Unit-117, based in Tachilek, supplied 3,500 gallons of water for drinking, bathing and washing and  600 gallons of purified drinking water to the residents in Tachilek Township, Shan State, on Monday, 9 May.
Similarly, Police officers led by the Commander of the Kayah State Police Force distributed 9,000 gallons of clean water and 2,700 gallons of drinking water to the residents of Loikaw Township on 13 May.
On 14 May, members of the Yamethin Township Police Force donated 1,200 gallons of water for drinking, bathing and washing to local communities, and members of the Yaygyi Township Police Station supplied 350 gallons of clean water to residents the townships.
The Myanmar Police Force has donated a total of 346,452 gallons of clean water between 25 April and 14 May, according to the police force.—Myanmar Police Force

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