Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Water donated to village in Natmauk
Villager collecting water distributed by the DRD and RTD.—Photo: Hla Win (Natmauk)

TO aid local people suffering from water scarcity issues due to the rising heat that accompanies El NiƱo, the Department of Rural Development (DRD) of Natmaunk Township together with the Road Transportation Department (RTD)donated yesterday 2,000 gallons of water for drinking, bathing and washing to the local villagers of Oakshitkon village, which has been facing a severe shortage of clean water.
There is currently a 2” tube well and handmade wells installed next to the local stream of the village as well as a nearby lake. These groundwater sources are currently drying up due to the extreme climate.—Hla Win (Natmauk)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Union Minister U Aung Thu meets mission of WCS

Union Minister Dr Aung Thu meets with a mission of the Wildlife Conservation Society in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.—Photo: Departments of Fisheries and Rural Development
UNION Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr Aung Thu received a mission from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) at his office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
At the meeting both side discussed Oceanic research works and the works of forest conservation to be carried out by the WCS after signing a Letter of Agreement (LOA).
WCS have been conducting research projects as well as Ayeyawady Dolphins conservation works in Ayeyawady Dolphin conservation areas in line with instructions from the Department of Fisheries.—GNLM

Czech  Ambassador meets entrepreneurs in Mandalay

Czech Ambassador speaking at the meeting.--Photo:Thiha Ko Ko

THE Czech Ambassador to Myanmar met the vice chairman and the secretary and executives of the Mandalay Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MRCCI) and entrepreneurs from its sister business groups in the meeting hall of the MRCCI at Yadanabon Super Center in Mandalay on Monday.
At the meeting the vice chairman of the MRCCI gave a welcoming speech while the ambassador elaborated on products made by the Czech Republic, opportunities for bilateral cooperation in business between the two countries and progress on the signing of an agreement for promoting trade. Both sides discussed matters related to cooperation in agriculture, livestock breeding and nautical transportation.
There are a total of seven sectors in the Myanmar-Czech cooperation plan regarding businesses.
Under the agreement the Mandalay Beer brewery has been upgraded and the quality of certain products upgraded, it has been learned.—Thiha Ko Ko

Child painting exhibition held in Mandalay

Young artists pose with their materpieces.
AN art exhibition titled ‘Garden of Art’ opened at the Kuthodaw Art Gallery in Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay, yesterday.  
The four-day event, which displayed over 100 watercolour and oil paintings by seven students between the ages of five and 10 years. The children are outstanding students at Basic Education Schools and private schools in Mandalay Region. The event will run between until 12 May.
Present at the opening ceremony were artists and painting enthusiasts.—Maung Pyi Thu