Saturday, March 5, 2016

Workshop on Myanmar Media Development, Introduction to Basic Journalism Course held in Pyay

U Khin Maung Lay (Phoe Thaukkyar-Khit Moe)

JOINTLY organised by the Myanmar Journalists’ Association (MJA) (central) and Bago Region Journalists’ Association, a Workshop on Myanmar Media development and Introduction to Basic Journalism Course took place at the assembly Hall of Yanaungmingalarkin Pagoda in Pyay, Bago Region on Wednesday with an opening speech by U Khin Maung Lay (Phoe Thaukkyar-Khit Moe), the Chairman of the Myanmar Press Council.
In his opening speech the chairman elaborated the history of Myanmar News and Periodicals, and  Pathien Hla Kyi, a member of (MJA) (central), explained the code of conduct for Journalists to the new generation of journalists. Officials responded to the queries raised by local reporters. At the opening, U Aung Myint, vice chairman of the Bago Journalists’ Association, acted as the master of ceremonies. 50 young journalists from Tharyawady and Pyay Districts attended.
At the workshop, Loutlatt Soe, Daw Eai Eai Tin, Daw Khin Than New (Ma Ma-Lashoe), members of the (MJA) (central), shared their knowledge and experience in developing the Myanmar Media World.-- Shwe Win (Pyay)
Photo: Shwe Win (Pyay)

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