Sunday, April 3, 2016

Mandalay hosts discussion on traditional marionette arts

A TALK titled “The Future of Myanmar Marionette Drama Troupes” was held at the National Theatre in Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay, on 2 April.
Participants discuss marionettes on stage.
Officials from the Fine Arts Department under the Ministry of Culture, students and faculty members from the drama departments at the National University of Arts and Culture in Yangon and the National University of Arts and Culture in Mandalay and members of the Myanmar Marionette Troupes Development Association attended the talk.
At the event, Professor U Khine Htun from the Department of Dramatic Arts at the National University of Arts and Culture in Yangon, author Nyo Htun Lu and Thanlyin Maung Wint War discussed “The Future of The Myanmar Marionette Drama Troupes”; author Chit San Win spoke about “Original Myanmar Marionette Drama Troupes”; Mr Dadi Pudumjee, president of the Union Internationale de la Marionnette (UNIMA), discussed the history of that organization; Myanmar traditional orchestra artiste U Than Chaung and musician U Sein Mwut  Tar discussed “Musical Beats and the Pulse of Myanmar Traditional Orchestra Associated with Myanmar Marionette”;  U Khin Maung Htway of the Htway Oo Myanmar Marionette Drama Troupe discussed “Children’s Education and Myanmar Marionettes”; lecturer U Aung Toe and lecturer Daw Win Pa Pa of the National University of Arts and Culture in Yangon discussed “The History of Myanmar Marionette Drama Troupes”.  
The Audience at the talk.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Myanmar Marionette Drama Troupe Association are working to develop Myanmar marionette drama troupes.—Thiha Ko Ko

Myanmar Autism Association (Mandalay) celebrates Autism Awareness Day

Children with autism and participants celebrate autism Awareness Day in Mandalay.Photo: Thiha Ko Ko

WITH the aim of encouraging people to take measures to raise public awareness and understanding of children with autism the Myanmar Autism Association (Mandalay) held a mass walk and education talk to mark Autism Awareness Day at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Mandalay yesterday. 
Children with autism, their mothers and other participants who lend their time and effort to activities relating to autism awareness and care started to walk from a designated place between 26 street and 72 street. They walked along the 26 street until reaching the YMCA on 75 street.
At the ceremony, held at the local YMCA, Dr. Than Soe, a Mandalay Region Hluttaw Representative, U Kyaw Win, director of the Social Welfare and Release Department, made opening speeches. Author Sayar U Nyi Pu Lay counseled to the attendees while the chairman of the Myanmar Autism Association (Mandalay) gave an education talk on autism.
Mandalay Region Hluttaw Representative, U Kyaw Win, director of Social Welfare and Release Department presented documents of participation in honour of the event.

 One out of every 68 new born babies in Myanmar is affected by Autisms. According to the Myanmar Autism Association (Mandalay) , some 67 million people are living with autism across the world The characteristics associated with autism appear during childhood.—Thiha Ko Ko

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Yangon Police Force to increase public security activities
for Thingyan 2016

THE Yangon Police Force (YPF) were successful in implementing their public safety works agenda over the 2015 Thingyan Festival (the country’s New Year Water Festival), according to Yangon Police Force.
In 2016 the Yangon Police Force is preparing to carry out, with increased momentum, their public security and prevention measures against criminal during the coming Thingyan festival.
To reduce the level crime over the festival the YPF, together with Organisions from respective townships, have designated an educative programme to run from 7 to 20 March. The aim is to carry out public awareness activities such as giving educative talks on prevention against narcotic drug use to the public, lecturing on abiding by traffic rules and the enforcement of the law including the banning of the use and selling of what was termed ‘sexual stimulant tablets’. –Yangon Police Force