Saturday, December 31, 2016

 International Tourism Expo, Myanmar  2017  to be held

                                               in Yangon

U Bein Bridge, a crossing that spans Taungthaman Lake near Amarapura. The 1.2-kilometre (0.75 mi) bridge was built around 1850 and is believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world.[It is used as an important passageway for the local people and has also become a tourist attraction. — Nyi Nyi (History)
U Bein Bridge, a crossing that spans Taungthaman Lake near Amarapura. The 1.2-kilometre (0.75 mi) bridge was built around 1850 and is believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world.[It is used as an important passageway for the local people and has also become a tourist attraction. — Nyi Nyi (History)

To develop the International Tourism Service Industry and local tourism sector, International Tourism Expo, Myanmar 2017 organised by Travel Support Co. Ltd. under the auspices of the Myanmar Tourism Federation will be held in Tatmadaw Exhibition Hall in Yangon from 20 to 22 January 2017.
“We have arranged the event with the aim of increasing the development of the local travel and tourism industries in line with the modern travel and tourism industry, promotion of the cooperation between the local travel and tourism companies and international tourism companies, giving information about travel and tourism industry in detail to the public”, said director U Nway Moe Aung of Travel Support Co. Ltd.  
The experience from the expo will be of benefit to local visitors who will come to the expo. Officials will elaborate facts of the travel and tourism industry to visitors who do not know facts about place where they want to visit to relax at the exhibition, he added.
The three-day event will be arranged for the public at one place to be able to observe the different types of travel and tourism service industries, he added. The event is first-ever expo for the travel and tourism industry, with 124 booths from hotels, travel agencies, airlines, insurance companies and other agencies related to tourism will be featured at the expo. Moreover, motor service companies and mobile phone companies, cruise companies, foreign and local travel service agencies, travel-related goods sale companies will showcase their services, destinations, tourism attractions, travel packages and products through the booths.
Holding the International Tourism Expo, Myanmar 2017 will make the Myanmar travel and tourism industry develop and increase the country’s foreign exchange earnings from tourism. Also, travel-related business sectors will develop and it will provide assistance to develop the tourism areas. — Soe Win (MLA)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Geo Stone Garden opened at Mandalay University

An opening ceremony for the Geo Stone Garden, which was built for the 63th anniversary of the foundation of the Geology Department at Mandalay University, was held on the grounds between the main building of Mandalay University and academy building and the Geology Department on Friday.
The construction of the Stone Garden started on 3rd July and was completed in the first week of December.
Present at the ceremony were U Hla Thein, Chairman of the Union Election Commission, Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung and members of Mandalay Region Government, Dr. Zaw Win, Deputy general-director of the Department of Higher Education ( Upper Myanmar), the Rector of Mandalay University and professor and heads of departments and Geology Specialisation students.
At the ceremony, the Mandalay Region Chief Minister delivered a speech and cut the ribbon to open the Geo Stone Garden. Next, the Chairman of Union Election Commission, the Mandalay Region Chief Minister and guests took a tour of the garden.
The Geo Stone Garden was created with three zones — the Igneous Zone, Sedimentary Zone and Metamorphic Zone — constructed with 150 different kinds of stones weighing a total of 90 tonnes. Plant fossils, wood fossils and minerals are also decorated in the garden. The garden will serve as a teaching aid to future Geology students, officials said. –Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay)

Retailers association hosts programme on sharing business knowledge
Photo:  Shwe Win (Pyay)

The Myanmar Retailers Association has organised a bi-monthly a programme to share knowledge about the retail business at the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), the first of which occurred on Thursday.
At the talk, General Manager Mr. Shisanupong Pitidhanyasawasdi of DHL Supply Chain-Thailand & Myanmar gave a talk on “Supply Chain Evolution for Modern Retail”. A total of 130 members of UMFCCI attended the seminar, it is learnt.—Shwe Win (Pyay)
Photo:  Shwe Win (Pyay)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tourism industry booming in Mandalay in December

Tourist arrivals have increased in Mandalay due partly to the addition of more Mandalay-Bangkok-Yangon flights and more direct flights between Mandalay and Hong Kong in December.
Adding to the burgeoning popularity of central Myanmar is the allowance since September for foreign tourists to enter Myanmar through border entrances with an evisa, available online.
Tourists from 40 countries, including ASEAN countries, have been allowed to enter the country using the online visa system since 8 November, 2015.
By ground transport, tourists can enter Mandalay by car, motorbike and bicycle via border entrances.
Tourist arrivals from January 2015 to November reached 164,520, and from January to November the number rose to 263,145.
Foreign tourists come from China, India, Singapore, Viet Nam, Japan, Austria, New Zealand, Britain, USA, France, Italy and Germany.
The majority of foreign tourists come to Mandalay from neighbouring countries such as China, India, Singapore and Viet Nam.
Between January and November, the number of tourists who visited the cultural zones of Mandalay, Bagan, Innwa and Pyin Oo Lwin rose to 318,597.
The Hotels & Transport Supervision Department under The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism estimates the total number of tourist visits will rise to 4 million in 2016.
The ministry said tourists visiting Mandalay like riding on bicycles, motorbikes and trishaws to explore downtown  Mandalay.—Maung Pyi Thu (Mandalay)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trade Department, USAID, host explanatory session on GSP in Mandalay, Myanmar

Jointly organized by Trade Department under the Ministry of Commerce and the USAID-Funded Private Sector Development Activity, an explanation ceremony on the American Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programmes for business entrepreneurs was held in the hall of Mandalay Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MRFCCI) in Mandalay on Monday. 
Present at the ceremony were the director-general of the Department of Trade and officials, the chairman and executive committee members of MRFCCI and entrepreneurs of its brother business associations, entrepreneurs of SMEs , officials of American Embassy and USAIDS and special guests. 
At the ceremony, the director of the Department of Trade delivered an opening speech, and vice chairman of MRFCCI explained the process of UMFCCI and cooperation of MRFCCI with the ASEAN countries including neighbouring countries. Mr. Suzanne Yountchi, Economic Officer of the US Embassy, elaborated on the American Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programmes. Mr. Erland Herfindahl, Deputy Assistant US Trade Representative for GSP and Michael Blaeley of USAIDS-Funded Private Sector Development gave a talk on "Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) ".
America suspended Myanmar’s GSP trade rights in 1989, but reinstated them on November 13, 2016.
US trade preference programs such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) provide opportunities for many of the world’s poorest countries to use trade to grow their economies and climb out of poverty. – Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay)