Wednesday, October 12, 2016

18 faculty members and their 20 family members of Pang Long University receive medical check-up

Photo shows a military doctor measuring blood pressure of a member. Nan Hsam military hospital provided healthcare services to 18 faculty members and  their 20 family members of Pang Long University in Pang Long town, Loilem Township, Shan State (South) on 9 October.—Office of Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services

Talk on Zika virus, MDR TB and Japan encephalitic diseases held in Taungoo

An educative talk on the Zika virus, Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) and Japanese encephalitic diseases took place in the meeting room of Taungoo District Public Health Department on 10 October.
At the talk, the head of the District Health Department gave an opening speech, and assistant director Dr. Win Phyo Thein talked about the Zika virus and Japan encephalitic diseases. Dr. Khine Sanda Aung of the Anti-TB department gave a talk on  Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). Officials responded to numerous queries raised by attendees. –Shwe Win (Pyay)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

World Teacher Day 2016 observed in Mandalay

            A CEREMONY marking World Teacher Day 2016 took place in the Panmyoetayar hall of No. 14 Basic Education High School in Chanayethazan township, Mandalay yesterday.
            Present at the ceremony were Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung and members of the Mandalay Region Government, Hluttaw representatives, regional level departmental officials, officers from the Education Departments of Region, Districts and Townships, headmasters and headmistresses from schools in Mandalay and students who won prizes.
            At the ceremony, students from No. 14 Basic Education High School sang a song “Obei Sayar” and Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung delivered an opening speech. A director (Admin) of Mandalay Region Education Department read out a message from organisations under the United Nations.
            Then, students from No. 8 Basic Education High School sang a song titled name “The Nobel Teacher”. Next, the Region Hluttaw Speaker presented prizes to the winners of an essay contest held in honour of World Teacher Day. Students from No. 7 Basic Education Middle School performed a music drama entitled 100 fruits from a single stalk. 
            In the second part of the ceremony, headmasters, headmistresses and teachers from schools in Mandalay paid obeisance to pensioner teachers who have retired from schools in Mandalay, and on the behalf of the retired teachers U Thein gave words of thanks. –Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay)