Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Educational Talk on human trafficking held in Kengtung

THE Anti-Trafficking Police Force, under the umbrella of the Myanmar Police Force, are aiming to eradicate the human trafficking industry in Myanmar by implementing preventative measures in the form of a public awareness campaign.
Anti-human Trafficking Police Force Unit-18 gave an educational talk on the prevention of human trafficking at a Child Protection course organised by the Committee of Child Rights in Kengtung, Shan State (South) on Saturday 30 April.
Issues raised in the talks ranged from how to recognise the signs that someone might be a victim of human trafficking and the ever changing and adaptive methods and means of human trafficking (entrapment, transportation and sale). 
An official from the Anti-Human Trafficking Police Force explained the differences between human trafficking and human smuggling, methods of recruitment used by human traffickers, the history of human trafficking, the process of human trafficking, human trafficking laws and the punishment for those convicted of human trafficking related crimes.
The police force gave out education pamphlets to 45 girl students who attended the ceremony.—Ye Zarni

Myanmar Police Force supply water to drought-hit-areas

MEMBERS of the Myanmar Police Force are in the process of supplying water for drinking, washing and bathing to communities who have recently been facing water-shortages.
Members of the Air Police Force (Yangon-Branch) under the Myanmar Police Force donated 700 drinking water bottles— each bottle holding 20 litres— to villagers of Ahnochaunggyi village in Dala Township, Yangon Region on 30 April.
On 1 May, Members of the Police Forces in Magwe and Thayet Townships, Magwe Region distributed 8000 gallons of drinking and bathing water, members of Myo Ma Police Station in Ann Township, Rakhine State supplied 1700 gallons of water. On Monday members of the Thaton Township Myo Ma Police Force and Chaungsone Township Police Outpost in Mon State distributed 2050 gallons of water while members of the Kataikkyi Police Outpost donated 1300 gallons of drinking water to residents in their townships.
On that same day members of the Dawei District Police Force supplied 400 gallons of drinking water to the people of Launglong Township.—Ye Zarni

Myanmar Police Force help natural disaster-hit areas

Many parts of the country have been facing the natural disasters caused by the El NiƱo weather. 
Members of Myanmar Police Force helped in rescue, rehabilitation and cleaning measures in drought-hit areas.
On Sunday 8 May, members of Units-10/ 25 Security Police Force based in Sinbaungwei, Myaing and Yaysagyo Townships in Magwe Reagion took part in rebuilding the damaged houses, hit by strong wind, hailstones and heavy rain, and cleaning the fallen trees that blocked roads and streets in those areas.—Ye Zarni